Part 37 (1/2)
”The Rusnaks are part of that, they work with Viktor Kabinov-” I cut off my words at the look that flashed across his face.
”Who have you been talking to? What sort of game are you trying to run?” He rose from his seat but leaned in close to me over the table, anger turning his face red. ”I believed you. I thought you were here to help. That you had real information.”
”That is.” I stood and pulled my arm from his hand as he reached for me, but his other hand locked on my wrist. ”Let go.”
”How do you know Viktor?”
”I told you, hes the head of-”
”The Bratva? Im supposed to believe hes the head of the Russain mafia here in New York?”
I jerked my wrist down, out of his grip, and he moved to block me from leaving. But I wasnt going anywhere. I faced him. ”Who is he to you?”
He shook his head. ”Like you dont know? Hes the lead legal council for our task force.”
I shook my head, and he must have seen something in my eyes because he dropped his anger.
”Youre serious arent you?” His hand ran across his hair and he spoke loud, ”Viktor Kabinov is part of the mafia?”
I hadnt seen the door open, but suddenly Gage was walking towards us, entering through the front. Anthony whirled away from me and reached for his gun, but Gages was already out and aimed at him.
”Keep your hands up where I can see them,” Gage commanded.
”What the h.e.l.l is this Regan?” Anthony spoke low to me, hands up at his side.
Gage was there, gun pressed into Anthonys stomach as he searched his pockets. ”What do you have? Are you recording her?” He slipped a phone from Anthonys pocket into his own and then pushed Anthony to the back door. ”Come on, this meetings over.”
”Stay here,” He threw the command over his shoulder but wouldnt meet my eyes as he forced Anthony to the back room.
Like h.e.l.l I would. I needed to see what he was doing, my mind was spinning.
The second they stepped through the back door a gun was pressed to Gages head.
”Let him go.” The mystery man spoke. I could only see his arm from behind Gage and Anthony.
I went to reach for the gun at Anthonys waist just as his hand moved for it, but I was shoved away. Hard. I stumbled back, never looking away from the scene in the doorway, not even to break my fall on the cement floor.
It all happened so fast. Gage moved, gripping Anthonys arms that now held his gun. He pulled Anthony in front of him as shots fired, and Anthony dropped with a bullet to the neck, blood pooling around him. I could only see the shoes and legs of the man beyond Gage, but he was crumpled on the ground as well. Gage was still standing, his lips pressed together, but a smile somewhere in his hard look.
”I didnt even have to shoot.” He slipped his gun back under his coat and stepped over Anthony to me. He put his hand out, reaching to help me up.
I scrambled back, picking myself up off the ground, about to explode. ”What the h.e.l.l just happened?” Standing, I could see clearly now. The guy in the doorway was dead, a bullet to the head.
”Ill explain when we get out of here. Come on.” He stepped towards me again, arm going behind me.
His touch made me shake, that and Anthonys blood almost reaching our feet. I couldnt breathe. I remembered the phone Gage slid into his pocket. Anthonys phone.
”This was your plan all along? You set me up, didnt you? You used me to do this?” I gestured at the two men.
Gage pulled me to him, keeping me from backing up further, and I was shaking too hard to fight him off. Panic hurt my bones. I didnt know what to trust.
”Come on. We need to get out of here.”
37: I Can See It.
HE HAD HIS ARM AROUND ME, DRAGGING me to the front of the club. Dragging because my feet wouldnt move. I wanted to look back, but I didnt. I couldnt. Anthony was dead. Anthony.
Then we werent moving. Gage had his hands on my shoulders, saying something.
”...Stay. Ill be quick.” His hands dropped away, and he jogged back to where Anthony and the other man lay dead, leaving me at the club entrance.
I took a breath and followed, not caring what his instructions were. I needed to see what he was doing. I needed to figure out what he had done. He had his gun out as he went around the perimeter of the place, checking the office and back rooms. I stopped following and stood in the middle of the room, waiting, watching.
He ended his search at the people he killed. He crouched beside the other man and checked his pockets, pulling the dead mans phone out with a gloved hand.
Did he always have those gloves on? That image hit me harder than the bodies on the ground, he had been prepared, and I knew nothing. He had truly betrayed me, but how far did it go?
”Stay back.” Gage pointed to the blood soaked ground. ”Watch where you step, you dont want to leave prints.” He only flicked his eyes to me for a moment before refocusing on the screen. ”He already told someone about Viktor, but I dont see any messages mentioning us by name. f.u.c.k, they probably already told who they were meeting though.”
I couldnt look at Gage. My eyes were stuck on Anthony. He had walked in here for me, but I led him to his death.
”I hope they did.” I crossed my arms to keep still but then gave up trying, not seeing the point, and I went to Anthonys side. I laid my hand on his chest but pulled back immediately. He was already stiff, chest inflated unnaturally. It didnt feel like him. My vision blurred, tears filling my eyes beyond my control.
Gage was pulling on my arm, but I resisted.
”Get up. What are you doing?” He used both hands to lift me to my feet and turned me away from the scene.
”What the h.e.l.l are you doing?” I pushed at him, but he pulled me into him, restraining me in an embrace that use to give comfort but now only made me sick with anger.
”Trying to keep us alive.” His arms held mine down as he pulled back and met my burning eyes with a look that gave me pause. Concern filled them, but it was the urgent, almost panic, spark in his gaze that froze me. ”Calm down for one minute so I can put these phones back.”
I didnt move, and he dropped my arms.
”Dont touch anything. Stay here.” He stepped back slow, testing that I would listen.
I twisted to watch him but kept my feet still. He slipped to the backroom for a quick moment and then returned, crouching beside Anthony. He hesitated with Anthonys phone in his hand, and his eyes slid up to meet mine, his gaze icy as he looked at me.
”Hes the one that set you up, not me. He was recording everything you said.” He held up the phone, but I couldnt make out what was on the dark screen. He pressed some b.u.t.tons and then wiped the screen on Anthonys pants. ”I cleared it. I hope thats enough,” he spoke low as he slid the phone into Anthonys pocket. ”I would take it, but we dont want anything connecting us to this.” He rose to his feet and his blue eyes pierced mine, determination making them sharp. ”Lets go.”
I walked on my own so he wouldnt pull me this time. I had to stand on my own, thats the only thing I kept thinking. Nothing else made sense. I quickened my pace as he came next to me, not letting him touch me.