Vol 1 Chapter 5 (1/2)

Rune Soldier Louie MIZUNO Ryo 116720K 2022-07-19

All for Love1 – Contrived KnightIt was a knight on a white horse, he gracefully swaggered down the street On his silver ardom of Ra brightlyHe had blonde hair, blue eyes, skin hite as snow, and lips as red as red lipstick

People alking down the street, all of theht’s appearance, he see, flawless, they even wondered what gender he was

However, the knight sinored the people’s presence, he just held the horse’s reins, his eyes looked straight ahead

At last, the knight stopped in front of a bar He carefully july put his horse in the bar’s stables, giving it some animal feed and water Then, he went into the bar

The time was exactly noon, there was a lot of people in the bar,special to drink

The knight observed his surroundings, he finally found a vacancy in the corner, he h the crowd until he reached the table

“Can I sit down here?”

This table had two people sitting at it, the knight wanted to politely seek per down

The two people was a man and woman, both of them were dressed in robes, next to the table stood a wand Fro at the wand, you could smell the scent of wood in the air

These two people were doician’s Guild“Of course you can, knight of Ramliearth!”

The fe next to her was a burly icianThe two of theet food and drink after a long night of non-stop studying, orders from Master Foltess


When Ila mentioned that he was fro

“If I cannot coo back to my country”

(What’s that got to do with us?)

Ila said inside herself

(He's also a bit too self-conscious, or he’s sialomaniac)

Right now, Ila didn’t want to know anypeaked her interest

“……Your sword and armour are impressive”

“You think so?”

The knight said with a proud look on his face

“In fact, my armour was crafted by elves, and ical properties……”

Ila stared at the knights armour and sword, the fact that his sas tied to the ancient kingdoued her even more

“……That’s admirable”

The knight was surprised by this, it usually took a little longer for a woman to become obsessed with him

However, he saw that Louie was grinning at hiht provoke a duel

(There is no reason for us to fight)

Although Louie and Ila stayed up all night, their senses weren’t dulled one bit

Right now, Louie was observing the knight physique and appearance, he didn’t think he was that strong of an opponent

Regardless of how luxurious someone’s sword or armour, your ability to a sword is what counts


Then an eht if he wanted anything

“Giveto eat, and some wine, please”

The knight said

The eht his food and drink over ahis meal before Louie After he called an employee, he paid with coin

Then he slowly stood up, and bowed to Louie and Ila


“No, that’s alright, it was nice seeing your cool outfit”

Ila said, staring at the knights armour and sword

“I’m sorry, but do you knohere the temple of Mylee is?”

“The temple of Mylee?”

“Why are you so surprised?”

Seeing such a reaction froht was overwhelmed

“……Oh, I’m sorry”

Although the knight didn’t care, Ila still apologized In fact, there was a reason she was so surprised

Louie and Ila were heading to the teht would like to accoht was pleased to accept his kindness, and express his gratitude to the two2 – A Failure of a missionary“……Life is a battle”

The followers of the church had gathered, all the faithful were now listening to Melissa

She spoke in an intellectual tone, they repeated her, Melissa’s popularity ah

Most of theh Melissa didn’t notice this, she just liked that lots of people had come to listen to her sermons

In order to make sure that the temple runs smoothly, the believers are required to help out around the te, and healing injured or sick people with ic

All of the followers of Mylee do this type of work once per month

“……When I say battle, I don’t mean a battle on the battlefield Ever since soh all sorts of trials, they can only ht And so, we request God Mylee give us power, to help those who are feeble and give thee to face their fate……”

Melissa preached the teachings of Mylee, the God of war

But today, she had a helpless expression, even her voice was low

Since she cahtly depressed

(My shoulder is sore……)

Ten days ago she was forced to catch Louie, she gained a slight bruise on her shoulder doing this Although the traces of the bruising had faded, she could still feel pain once in a while

Also, whenever she would feel pain, Louie would appear in front of her, his excited face, and happy expression

But this tiet the pain However, there was a lingering feeling, she wasn’t happy Was it that Louie was the only one that could make her happy?

(Why, why do I feel this way?)

Melissa had no idea, she had been fine walking down the street, but now she couldn’t calm down

Noas ti, Melissa had been unable to concentrate, she tried not to harm her opponent with her Warhammer

(Life is a battle……)

Melissa thought that if she could follow the teachings,Right now, she was facing a problem

A trail was right in front of her, she iven to her by God

(Oh, God I don’t think the ician is a hero)

Louie had a burly stature, he was had big e person, truly a brute(How can such a man be a hero?)

Melissa can’t remember how many tiet an answer, she can only accept that this is her mission

There is still some time before he becomes a true hero, but can Melissa really discover the essence of what it means to be a hero?

Honestly, Melissa is lacking soht now

If she can’t stand hi she can do is re else

Melissa hoped so If Louie doesn’t change, then she ht not continue to follow him

So, she just didn’t want to look at hied, Louie will continue to prove nerve-racking to Melissa, but she was prepared to endure it for the ti

Is she fated to both love and hate him? Melissa was confused, so very confused

“A real hero is……”

Melissa was still preaching, turning now to talk about the sacred story of heroes

When she was about to say the next part, however, she couldn’t find it within herself to continue

“A real hero is……”

Melissa repeated the sentence

All those gathered in the church stared at her, eagerly waiting for her to continue

“A real hero is……”

She repeated the sentence for a third time

Melissa was unable to continue, she put her head down, her forehead was constantly sweating

The believers sensed that so some noise

“A real hero is……what?”Then, Melissa finally responded to the believers after a moment of silence


Melissa said, her voice tre

Then she realized what she had said, she wanted to leave

“……We’ll stop here for today”

Melissa then left before the crowd, leaving most of them dumbfounded3 – DuelThe thief girl Merrill and the warrior woman Genie went to the teroup of believers outside the temple

“Today Melissa was a bit of strange”

Merrill’s ears were very sensitive, so naturally she heard the passing believers say this

“……So, Melissa’s ed?”

Little Merrill said to the burly woh

After co back from the forest of strife, Melissa always looked like she was preoccupied with so else, or that her mind is someplace else“That guy is harmful”

Genie said coldly

She was referring to the ician Louie

“He’s unbelievable too”

Merrill nodded and said

“Although that elf girl betrayed us, we did end up getting freed……”

“In the end, I don’t know if he is an idiot or smart”

“Does Melissa intend to endure this forever?”

Merrill said, with a worried look on her face

“She has no choice, this is a task given to her by God”

“I hope things haven’t’ been too hard on her……”

Merrill was really worried

She thought that if Melissa endured this any longer, she would probably have a nervous breakdown

Though if they could get rid of Louie, perhaps Melissa wouldn’t be so sad

Merrill did received soh she had never used it before, however, she can’t forget how to kill a man

But, taking things into account, she didn’t want things to escalate to that

If Melissa’s chosen hero were to die, she would not be able to coiven to her by God, andthis

Since it was a iven by God, Merrill and Genie would have to accept it

“Melissa can’t say what’s in her heart, she doesn’t knohat to do with that guy……”

Even though Louie wasn’t a bad person, he is still ais set in stone, it can affect a woman dearly

Speaking of men, many just want a wouild wouldn’t run a brothel

The natural relationshi+p with men is what made the three women seek out another fe to be aard between members of the opposite sex

However, fate can so group, but he has caused a nuroup Luck seems to have abandoned them at this point

“That guy is Melissa’s probleot to do is keep him in line”

Listening to Genie’s words, Merrill could only nod in agreement

They had made an appointician would also be co

Louie tried to explain it to them, apparently the branches from the ancient trees could also be used to create artificial organisical dolls

Merrill found this a little hard to understand, however, she summarized that they could be valuable

She seemed to want to use these iteirls were happy as long as they could make some money

That appointed ti near

“That guy?”

Merrill said, as she spotted Louie in the distance Melissa then careeted them

“Let’s go into the atrium……”

Melissa said, trying to show some enthusiasm, but truly, she was exhausted

(Today’s sermon was so bad……)

Melissa said inside herself, knowing that others were probably criticizing her somewhereThey then ca for Louie to arrive

A while later, Louie arrived Along with two other people, one was Ila, and the other was……


She was very surprised by the appearance of the knight, she didn’t kno he found out she was here

“Hey, Melissa!”

The knight said, after he saw Melissa

“You know him?”

Louie asked Melissa

“Ihere anyway so we let hi”

Louie said, hoping that Melissa would thank hi him

However, she didn’t say anything, but he could tell that she wasn’t happy

“Who is that guy?”

Genie said, as she stood closer to Melissa

She looked at the girly knight, his physique wasn’t iht, Genie would find that hard to believe

“He is my fiancé!”

Melissa’s voice wavered as she spoke


Merrill said in surprise, she stared at Melissa, then looked at the knight


Conrad was now visibly moved as he spoke:

“Me and Melissa have already agreed to be married”


Merrill asked, Melissa nodded as she blushed

“Really? I never would have thought”

Louie understood the relationshi+p between the

“So, you’re fiancé is quite handsome”

Louie joked, but this only made Melissa’s face redder

“Codom of Ramliearth!”

Conrad slowly er

(This isn’t good)

If she was to leave with this strange guy, then Louie’s life as an adventurer would end Louie started thinking, if et away for a while, but he couldn’t stand by idly and let a coroup

Louie could alo, then maybe our days will be better”

“That is already a thing of the past”

Melissa said to Conrad, her expression was very serious

“I abandoned reement set by my father”

“This isn’t about the arranged e I really love you!”

Conrad looked at Melissa as he spoke

“This is like watching a drama……”

Merrill said as she sat on the floor, her hands propped on her cheeks, she had the idea of guarding Melissa froht

Genie had a ferocious look, as she stroked her face

However, Ila was the only one who had a pleasant look on her face

“But I don’t love you!”

Melissa made that very clear

“No, you will fall in love with ht, I believe now that I am absolutely qualified to be your hero”

“That’s not what I want”

Melissa looked at her fiancé froed since she lasta sword and wearing armour


Melissa said, as she looked over towards Louie

“And what?”

“I’ve found my hero”

Melissa said as she bit her lips, she wanted to forget that even happened

“But I a to die for you”

“I have to help uide him, my mind and body are his”

She never actually did any of those things for Louie, let alone give him the time of day


Conrad acted as if a tragedy had befallen hiered back a few steps

“A hero, who exactly is this man?”

“It’s him”

Melissa’s face was angry, as he pointed at Louie“You are Melissa’s hero……”

Conrad stared blankly at Louie

“I guess so”

“But he’s a ic……”

“That’s the way things are”

She could only think of annoying memories, Melissa looked depressed

In the Kingdo that annoyed her the hts learned to use ic

However, due to these knights excessively relying on ic, martial arts became to be despised

“I got a revelation from God This man is my hero……”

“Unbelievable, just unbelievable——”

Conrad moaned

(I don’t believe this either)

Louie sent the knight a compassionate look

Melissa herself was unwilling to accept this, however, she can take advantage of this to make her fiancé back off

(She usually isn’t this nasty)

Although Louie wanted to comfort Conrad, he didn’t knohat to say

“……Now you know, so please go back”

Melissa said coldly

Conrad looked like a large hammer hit him, he just stood there motionless

“Don’t you have anything to say?”

Melissa said to Louie, he could only stand still

She then ran over and tugged on his right arainst him, little Merrill couldn’t bear to see her do this

Louie didn’t hate her for doing this, but that’s not to say he didn’t enjoy it Melissa’s intention was clear, though she wasn’t doing it to make Louie happy

“Then we’ll fight! We’ll fight……”

Conrad shouted, looking directly at Louie

“A duel?”

This happened all of a sudden, Louie didn’t fully understand what he meant

Conrad pulled a glove off and threw it at Louie, it hit his chest and then fell to the ground

“I want to fight you! We’ll find out who the real hero is, we don’t give a revelation from God!”

Louie looked at the glove at his feet, he felt a tingling feeling in his head

“Who do I have to fight you?”“Why do you have to ask? It’s for love!”


Conrad may have felt that way about Melissa, but Louie didn’t feel like he did

“You will accept this challenge!”

Melissa said, clinging to Louie’s arm


Louie shouted, not even getting to decide for hiave hiine ould happen if he said no

“Conrad, if you win, I’ll go back to Rauy beats you, you’ll never coain”

Melissa said to her fiancé, then she looked at Louie

“Isn’t that right, my hero?”

How is this right at all! Melissa is strong-ar Louie into this, and he is so shocked he can’t speak for himself“Alright, the duel will take place seven days from now at noon, here will be the venue”

Conrad decided, he then turned and left the temple’s atrium

(Wait a minute! Wait!)