Part 16 (1/2)

”Weary but ready to follow the Emperor anywhere.”

”Forward, then. There is food and drink at the end of our ride. It is but a few miles to Aumenier.”

”May I have a horse and go with you, Sire?” asked the old grenadier.

”a.s.suredly. See that he gets one and a Cross of the Legion of Honor, too. Come, gentlemen,” continued the Emperor, putting spurs to his tired horse.



For a long time the besiegers had given little evidence of their presence. Through the loop-holes in the shutters fires could be seen burning, figures coming and going. They were busy about something, but just what was not apparent. They had been unmolested by the defenders.

Marteau had but three pistols and therefore three shots left. Pierre, upstairs, had but one. To kill one or two more Russians would not have bettered their condition. The pistols should be saved for a final emergency. He had called up to Pierre and had cautioned him. There was nothing to do but to wait.

From time to time the silence was broken by s.n.a.t.c.hes of conversation.

As, for instance, the Countess Laure, observing that Marteau wore upon his breast the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, thus began,

”You wear a great decoration for a simple----” She stopped awkwardly.

”For a simple peasant you were about to say, mademoiselle,” answered Marteau, smiling with a little touch of scorn. ”In France to-day even a simple peasant may deserve and receive the favor of the Emperor.”

”I am sure that you are worthy of whatever distinction you may have achieved, monsieur,” said the Countess gently, grieved at her lack of consideration and anxious to make amends. ”And as one who takes pride in all a.s.sociated with her ancient house will you tell me how you got that?”

”It was at Leipsic.”

”Ah, we beat you there,” said one Russian meaningly.

”Yes,” said Marteau. ”Perhaps after having seen your backs so many times we could afford to turn ours upon you once.”

”I was there,” said the other Russian triumphantly.

”Were you also at Friedland, at Eylau, at Borodino, at----” began Marteau angrily.

”Gentlemen!” said the Countess.

”Forgive, mademoiselle,” said the Frenchman quickly. ”I, at least, will not fight our battles over in the presence of a woman.”

”But the cross?”

”It was nothing. I saved an eagle. The Emperor bestowed it on me.”

”Tell me about it.”

”I was on the bridge at Leipsic when it was blown up by that fatal mistake. The Port-Aigle was torn to pieces. The Colonel seized the Eagle as it fell from his hand. I was next to him--afoot. A storm of bullets swept over the river. As the Colonel on his horse was pushed over the parapet by the flying fugitives a shot struck him. He had just strength enough to gasp out, 'Save the Eagle' as he was swept away. I was lucky enough to catch the staff--a bullet had broken it--I seized the upper half with the Eagle and the flag which had almost been shot to pieces during the battle--the Fifth-of-the-Line had done its full duty that day--and I swam with it toward the bank. Really, mademoiselle, any soldier would have done as well. I only happened to be there.”

”Go on, monsieur, I wish to hear everything.”

”At your pleasure, then,” said Marteau reluctantly, continuing his story.

”The river was filled with men and horses. Marshal Poniatowski was near me. He had been wounded, and guided his swimming horse with his left hand. The current was swift. We were swept down the stream. A cavalryman next to me was shot from his horse. He fell over upon me.