Part 102 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 6280K 2022-07-20


Fr _buie_, a water-pot or pitcher; Cotgr


BOWIEFU', _s_ The fill of a small tub, S

_J Nicol_

BOW-KAIL, _s_ Cabbage, S so called from the circular for name is _buys-kool_


~Bow-stock~, _s_ The saood as a _bow-stock_, by a time;” S Prov


BOWLAND, _part adj_ Hooked, crooked


Teut _boghel-en_, arcuare _Bowland_ is just the part pr

_boghelend_, contr

BOWLIE, BOOLIE, _adj_ Crooked, deformed; _Boolie-backit_, humpbacked; sometimes applied to one whose shoulders are very round, S

V ~Beugle-backed~

Gerle_, a bunch or hu-en_, to bend; Dan _boeyel_, crookedness, _boeyelig_, flexible

_To_ BOWN, _v a_ To make ready

V ~Boun~, _v_

BOWRUGIE, _s_ Burgess; the third estate in a Parliaeois_


BOWSIE, _adj_ Crooked, S

Fr _bossu_, id