16 Who are you???? (1/1)


Daina's Pov continues-

As I was saying I am an Angel.

Now Let me ask you what do you think about Angel's?

They have bird-like wings, they are beautiful, they are very strong, they can do things that are being a normal explanation right???

No, my friend that is not how it works. Angel are those beings that obey the order of God directly without any kind of media or something similar. The Angels are born only to serve the God who created them. Angels don't take orders from anybody. Angels don't need to care about anything but what they got an order from God.

Now think what will it be when There is no God to give you order you. Then you take over some system and acts like you are the almighty God and above all. You think you have the right to make a decision over everyone and you are superior to everyone. Oh, I am already here.

Diana's pov ends.