17 Limiter... (1/2)

A 10 years old Neo is sleeping inside his room peacefully from others point of view…

While sleeping or inside of his inner world…

After all, this year's finally Neo reached the point where he finished part one of the million parts of the books in the Library of Eternity…

'Now I shall consume all the knowledge from the library at once… ' Neo said as he extended his domain of Divinity and covered the whole Library.

Upon covering the whole library he started getting all the Knowledge at the same time and in the blink of an eye he got all the knowledge there is from the past to the present day but nothing about future because that will come to him on its own with time.

With that, he currently has all 3 traits...

After he completed reading all the books in the library he said with a smile 'Now it is time for me to put limiter to my powers for me to enjoy my life as a human and I will only use my powers when necessary. '

With that, he started putting limiter to his power…

With the first limiter, he stopped his omnipotent which means he couldn't use his universe-destroying powers as much as he wants.

Still, he had enough power to destroy the universe with his thought one time. So he put limiter and with tr second limiter it went down to the Galaxy level in which he is now able to destroy a galaxy.

The third limiter made him strong enough to destroy a star system.

The forth limiter put his power to the planetary level.

The fifth limiter made him a sub-planetary level.

This is all the level which he doesn't need to lift his finger just with his thoughts he is able to destroy so the next step is to put his limiter on his omnipresence.

This time with his sixth limiter he no longer has the power to destroy a Sub-planet with thought but he wi have to punch or shoot energy himself to destroy the secondary planet.

The Seventh limiter put his energy half of that.

The eighth limiter put his power to a level where he is able to destroy a country with his power.

The ninth limiter put his power to city level.

And the Tenth limiter puts his power to the level of a normal human level.

But still, he has Omniscience with which he is still able to see future and destroys anything even in the mortal level so he put this into zero(0) level which means he will only unlock this limiter when he needs to…

After that Neo became almost like a normal person but he still contained his power and charm though it refused a lot…