Part 3 (1/2)


Bologna, August 4, 1770

I GRIEVE frofrau Marthe is still so ill, and I pray every day that she may recover Tell her froue and eat only what is strongly salted [she was consuerl? [Sigis, a friend of his] You did notthat when you see hiet me I can't possibly write better, for my pen is only fit to write , and I play every day I only mention this because mamma wished to knohether I still played the violin I have had the honor to go at least six times by myself into the churches to attend their splendid ceremonies

In the mean time I have composed four Italian symphonies [overtures], besides five or six arias, and also a motett

Does Herr Deibl often co conversation? And the noble Herr Carl von Vogt, does he still deign to listen to your tiresome voices? Herr von Schiedenhofenar-plums

If time permitted, it would be my duty to trouble Herr von Molk and Herr von Schiedenhofen with a few lines; but as that , I hope they will forgive lect, and consider un various cassations [a kind of divertimento], so I have thus responded to your desire I don't think the piece in question can be one of mine, for ould venture to publish as his own composition what is, in reality, written by the son of the Capellmeister, and whose mother and sister are in the same town? Addio--farewell! My sole recreations consist in dancing English hornpipes and cutting capers Italy is a land of sleep; I ana, August 21, 1770

I AM not only still alive, but in capital spirits To-day I took a fancy to ride a donkey, for such is the custoive it a trial We have the honor to associate with a certain Dominican who is considered a very pious ascetic I somehow don't quite think so, for he constantly takes a cup of chocolate for breakfast, and i Spanish wine; and I havewith this holy lass of very strong wine afterwards, two large slices of melons, some peaches and pears for dessert, five cups of coffee, a whole plateful of nuts, and two dishes of milk and lemons This he may perhaps do out of bravado, but I don't think so--at all events, it is far too reat deal also at his afternoon collation


Bologna, Sept 8, 1770

NOT to fail in my duty, I must write a feords I wish you would tell , and also let me know the prayers I a ”Telemachus,” and am already in the second volume Good-bye for the present! Love to mamma


I HOPE that mamma and you are both well, but I wish you would answer my letters more punctually in tiinate I like these six minuets far better than the first twelve; we often played them to the Countess [Pallivicini, at whose country-seat, near Bologna, father and son spent so a taste for Ger as entire sy; I could write better, but I ana, Sept 29, 1770

IN order to fill up papa's letter, I intend to add a feords I grieve deeply to hear of Jungfrau Marthe's long-continued illness, which the poor girl bears, too, with such patience I hope, please God, she rieve too much, for the will of God is always best, and God certainly knows better than we do whether it is ood to be in this world or in the next But it will cheer her to enjoy this fine weather once na, Oct 6, 1770

I AM heartily glad that you have been so gay; I only wish I had been with you I hope Jungfrau Marthe is better To-day I played the organ at the Doratulate thefrom me, and say that I sincerely wish they may live to see the fiftieth anniversary of Father Do

[Footnote: Jahn observes that he probably alludes to their intienauer's family, hom old Mozart had many pecuniary transactions for the purpose of his travels, and whose son entered the church in 1764]

My best wishes to all Thereserls, and compliments to all my friends in the house and out of the house I wish I were likely soon to hear the Berchtesgadner symphonies, and perhaps blow a trureat festival of St Petronius in Bologna It was fine, but long The trumpeters came from Lucca towas detestable